Monday, April 15, 2013

A Lost Hero

I did not know Craig personally, but I was just north in BCC from where Craig suffered that horrific accident, on Thursday. I have been skiing in that area for quite some time, and I depend greatly on the UAC's info to keep me and my friends safe, i.e., I depend on brave men like Craig to keep me from the all too real danger of the backcountry.

People that venture into the backcountry realize the risks involved, and we come to accept those risks. For most of us, we accept the risks for our selfish pleasure, but a few of us, like Craig, are up there risking their lives to keep the rest of us safe. Those like Craig are truly heroes!!! Unfortunately, real-life heroes succumb to real-life dangers, unlike their comic book counterparts, and that is what we witnessed this past Thursday. No amount of experience, training, or precaution would have prevented this terrible tragedy from occurring, as it was simply the will of the mountain that a hero was taken from us that terrible day.

In a tragic twist of fate, I realized that Craig and I were alums from Miami (OH) and he was only 1 or 2 classes behind me, and we both have young daughters. My condolences and heart go out to his wife and daughter, his extended family, and his friends. I have no doubt that Craig is in a better place where he is shredding deep pillow lines under always blue-bird skies!!! In death as in life, I am sure that Craig will continue to watch over the rest of us, as we continue to venture into the mountains he so dearly loved.

Travel well brother, and we know that we have lost a vanguard in the mountains.

Jeff Wu - Miami (OH) Class of 2000

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